Buy Our $TAX Token
We make fundraising a win-win
Process to Buy
If you don't have a wallet, install one
If you don't have Ether, buy some
Send the Ether to your wallet
Connect your wallet to this site (or another DEX that lists the $TAX token)
Select the ETH/TAX pair
Select how many token you want to buy
Set the slippage to approx 17% (tp cover the transaction fees)
Confirm the trade
Add the TAX token to your wallet
Connect Your Wallet
Show a list of wallets to choose from. Make sure the right blockchain has been selected. Show wallet contents here.
Swap into $TAX Token
Show trading pair. Preset the slippage to 17% or similar. Calculate swap. Ask for confirmaiton from user. Execute. Show confirmation of swap.
Historical Analytics
Show previous analytics. Focus on showing reflection transactions.
Price chart
Plug in a price chart of last few weeks of pricing data.
$TAX Token Benefits and Features
Buy $TAX on DEX
Start by moving BNB into your wallet. Then go to PancakeSwap and buy $TAX. We will also subsequently add $TAX to all other blockchains with a Participating Crypto, and create liquidity pairs on their main DEXes as well.
We only sell above USD $1.00
The token is traded on the open market. But we only ever sell this token when price is above $1, and we only ever sellon our swap site. We announce in advance when we need more cash and how much we are looking to raise. You know that no other investor get a preferential treatment, and that we will never dump the price.
You pay a little more
The transaction fees are paid through slippage which is split into thirds: 5% goes towards reflection, 5% towards buy back, and 5% towards liquidity increase. Set the slippage to 16-17% when you buy.
For every $115 spent on tokens, $100 goes towards donation, and $15 goes towards tokenomics-powered benefits for you.
You get reflection
5% of all future transaction fees is distributed back to current holders on frequent basis. Compare this to the interest you would get on a savings account. Your exact reflection will depend on transaction volumes.
We build a price floor
5% of all transaction fees are added back into the liquidity pool, creating an ever increasing liquidity for the token. This effectively establishes a "price floor" to prevent against future price decreases.
You can sell, we buy back
The $TAX token is intended as a donation and long term investment. But at certain times you might to have to get money back. We reserve 5% of all transaction fees towards buybacks for this reason. The token is traded on an open market. But we commit to deploy the buy-back reserves when the price of the token slips below $1.
Early participation in new launches
A key benefit of owning the $TAX token is that you will be invited to participate in the pre-sale of new Cryptos. We are not an incubator, but we do ask all new Participating Cryptos to reserve an initial volume of pre-sales tokens for our $TAX holders.
The world's first Participating Crypto
You get the satisfaction of knowing that you own the very first Participating Crypto that ever existed. 1% of each transaction is forwarded to the tax collection wallets and distributed as UBI.
Foundation Governance
The Foundation aims to become a Decentralized Autonumous Organization (DAO) within 5 years of operation. Depending on direction, the $TAX token will either be leveraged as the DAO governance token directly, or ownership of $TAX token will be leveraged when creating and distributing a new utility token for the DAO.
Not a StableCoin, but...
$TAX is not a stablecoin, but we have designed it such that its correlation to $1 is an indicator. A price close to $1 indicates we are on track, that donations match our need to invest. A price above $1 indicates strength, we have more backers and investors than we need money for. A price below $1 would indicate that we have lost our backers trust and we have started buying back tokens.