The main purpose of the Foundation is to ensure that collected tax funds are given back to the people. We do this by first finding, then evaluating the many UBI projects available. We select the best one(s), and once approved we distribute the collected funds to the selected program(s). From then on we continuously monitor that funds made it into the hands of recipients.
Before setting out on a search for the best candidates we wanted to establish a list of criteria against which we want UBI Projects to be evaluated.
We evaluate UBI Programs in two different categories: 1) Global UBI Programs, and 2) National UBI Programs. While most criteria apply to both categories, there are some criteria that differ between the two.
The following is our first draft list of criteria to use when evaluating UBI Programs:
Network Capability
Criteria | Global UBI Projects | National UBI Projects |
Need to be run on a network capable of scaling with the exponential growth of users, should be able to scale into the Billions | Required | Required |
​Need to run on a network with transaction fees that are cheap enough to be less than a fraction of the value of the distributed UBI itself | Required | Required |
Need to run on a network fast enough to process UBI transactions in a timely fashion | Required | Required |
User Eligibility
Criteria | Global UBI Projects | National UBI Projects |
No income testing or other testing allowed, cannot distribute UBI only to the poor (or only to the needy, or any other limited subset) | Required | Required |
Need to show effort to include the poorest and lowest classes in society over the already privileged. For example, figure out how to enable those without their own device or without internet access | Required | Required |
Cost of entry should be zero or close to zero for new users (UBI recipients) | Required | Required |
User’s location is known from geolocating, and/or users select one and only one country (and can’t change that selection too often) | Required | Required |
Location is based on residency and/or actual position (not nationality or citizenship) | Required | Required |
Need to ensure that users are indeed unique and alive humans. Required frequent and ongoing eligibility tests are: - Aliveness check - Uniqueness check, - Human check (Turing test) | Required (minimum quarterly frequency) | Required (minimum quarterly frequency) |
Share unique human profile data with other Participating UBI schemes, for free, in an effort to create a global repository of unique humans, if possible | Required | Required |
No cherry picking of nations or geolocation. Need to support all countries, territories, and other corners of the world | Required | [Not applicable] |
No exclusion or favouritism based on gender, race, religion, marital status, ethic groups, race, social status, medical conditions, etc | Required | Required |
No exclusion or favouritism based on age, at least not for for those above certain age | Age of school start or younger | Age of majority or younger |
No exclusion or favouritism based on existence of paperwork (e.g. residency permit, passport, citizenship, etc.) | Required | Encouraged |
Earning UBI
Criteria | Global UBI Projects | National UBI Projects |
Schemes that enable some users to receive more UBI than others if they save, stake or otherwise keep their UBI untouched are not allowed (because if so, then max UBI would go to the rich, not the poor) | Required | Required |
Need to upscale the donated amount, apply significant leverage. For example, distribute $10 worth of UBI for every $1 donated or otherwise received | Required | Recommended, not required |
Criteria | ​Global UBI Projects | National UBI Projects |
Need to cover at least 90% of world population in terms of languages supported | Required | [Not applicable] |
Need to cover at least 90% of country population in terms of languages supported | [Not applicable] | Required |
Government support users with account creation, maintenance, and recovery (i.e. national Wallets) | [Not applicable] | Required |
Need to offer off-boarding option into either the local Fiat currency or a major Participating Currency | Not required | Not required |
Spending & Using the UBI
Criteria | Global UBI Projects | National UBI Projects |
Spending / using your UBI unaltered for goods and services should be encouraged (i.e. not requiring first exchanging it to another currency) | Required | Required |
Developers need to show efforts to build or otherwise encourage creation of open markets for spending and using your UBI | Required | Required |
Security & Data Privacy
Criteria | Global UBI Projects | National UBI Projects |
Anonymous transactions are not allowed, nor are untraceable transactions (eg Monero) | Required | Required |
Need to sufficiently ensure users’ data privacy is protected. Spending habits and similar data need to be protected from mining by large firms such as Google, Facebook and Amazon | Required | Required |
Pseudonymous accounts and transactions | Discouraged but allowed | Not allowed. Only allowed in nations where population register is non-existent or highly unreliable |
Government supports the Tax Foundation by sharing their (encoded and anonymized) repository of registered residents | [Not applicable] | Required (The main reason we want government support is to gain access to their population register for uniqueness check and residency check) |
Criteria | Global UBI Projects | ​National UBI Projects |
Decentralization vs. Government backing | Need to be "sufficiently decentralized" that it cannot be sued or intervened by any one entity, bank or government agency | Need to be EITHER fully and publicly backed by / created by / owned by the national government (and in return we will give you significant control over which UBI scheme we should support in your country, to where we should direct the funds), OR sufficiently decentralized that it cannot be sued or intervened by any one entity, bank or government agency |
Participating nations will positively legalize use of participating Cryptos | [Not applicable] | Required |